For twenty-four years our organization has never had a fund raiser - so now we would like to ask your help in raising the funds to buy a microfilm reader/printer and the available microfilm reels of newspapers for Cumberland County. We are a registered charitable organization and will issue tax receipts for your donation. Please HELP US REACH OUR GOAL. Please contact our office if you need further details. Donations or payments may be made by cheque, or E-transfer to archives@ccgsns.com or through Paypal by hitting the Donate Button, above - please add a note to say it is for the microfilm reader/printer. Or drop by the office Friday - Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 PM [Winter hours.]
Come visit Friday & Saturday afternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Our speaker for the general meeting at Amherst Police station, (2nd floor), 21 Havelock St., Amherst, on Tuesday, February 18th at 7 p.m. will be Hal Davidson.
His topic : "Amherst No. 2 Construction Battalion Experience".
We are also very pleased to learn that Lieut. Col. Daniel Hugh Sutherland's granddaughter - Mary Beth Sutherland will be attending.
Hal always gives an excellent presentation, and we look forward to hearing him and to seeing you!
Meetings are always open to the public, so please come join your local family Genealogical Society, which has been serving Cumberland County for the past 24 years. Research your heritage and find new relatives. Learn about what times your parents, grandparents and other ancestors, lived through, where, when, how, education, religion, occupations, etc.
Email: "archives@ccgsns.com" or Call: 902-661-7278
Surname Registry – P
Surnames are listed in alphabetical order. Click on the first letter of the name you are researching.
PALMER – Cumberland Counmty, NS
Submitted by Brian Ballard Jan-06
PATTERSON – Shulie & Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Paula M. Harvard Jan-03
PAYNE – Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Lillian Payne Aug-02
PEERS – Alexander, b. 1745, d. 1816, b. New York, d. Wallace, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Doug Peers May-04
PERRIN – Susan J., b. 1861, Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Audrey Harris Apr-03
Submitted by Cathy Mazur Dec-08
PETTIGREW – Ann[a] Almira[h], b. abt 1846, d. 17 Mar 1898, d. Upper Nappan, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Elizabeth Johnson May-07
PETTYGREW – Robert, b. ca.1775, d. 1841/44, b. Ireland, in Cumb. Co., NS ca.1812
Submitted by Anne E. Rector Oct-01
PHINNEY – Florence, b. abt 1855, d. 1891, (Mill Village) Parrsboro, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by F.Cross Jan-06
PICKARD – John, Parrsboro, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Pamela Lombardo Dec-04
PIPES – Northport, Cumb. Co.
Submitted by Cathy Mazur Dec-08
PIPES – Amos Brown, b. 12 Jan 1865, d. 03-Nov-42,
Submitted by Jacquie Pipes Feb-02
PIPES – John Parkinson, b. 26 Dec 1786, d. 5 May 1866, Nappan, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Jacquie Pipes Feb-02
PIPES – Jonathan Dixon, b. 1872, Cumberland County, NS
Submitted by Mabel Evans Sep-08
PIPES – Jonathan Richard, b. 5 Nov 1830, d. 8 Oct 1896, Nappan, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Jacquie Pipes Feb-02
PLESHAW (PLEWSHAW) – John, b. 1804, Ratchford River, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Greg Brown Apr-04
POLLEY – Lemuel, River Philip, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Carol Dobson Apr-01
POLLEY – William, 1790 in River Philip, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Carol Dobson Apr-01
POLLY / POLLEY / PAULEY – 1760’s in Onslow. Col. Co., NS
Submitted by Carol Dobson Apr-01
PORTER – Jacob, b. 1810, d. 1883, Hastings, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Sheldon Furlong Mar-01
PORTER – Mary Jane, b. 22 Jan 1840, Springhill, Cumb. Co, NS
Submitted by Tami Neilson Mar-17
POWERS – John Thomas, d. 1861?, Wallace (Ramsheg), Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Vincent Powers Feb-07
POWERS – Mary (?), b. 1799, d. 1871?, Wallace (Ramsheg), Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Vincent Powers
PRIEST – Habahak (Habechah), b. ca.1841, marr. Mill Village, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Scott S. Cavanagh Dec-02
PUGSLEY – David, d. 1841, Maccan, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Jim Brown Aug-03
PYE – Adeline, b. 18 Jan 1861, d. 13-Dec-53, b. Marie Joseph, NS bur. Wallace, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Lilla Cole Nov-02