Railroading in Westchester, NS

Railroading in Westchester, NS

   CCGS Publication Number 2    Price   $10.00+ S & H
   ISBN 0-9733643-3-5
   29 pages, Indexed
   8 ½” X 11″

Teresa Webb was the author of “Railroading in Westchester”. She was a school teacher on Westchester Mountain (The Cross Road) for many years, as well as a local historian for the Westchester area and a correspondent for the Oxford Journal, Halifax Herald and the Amherst Daily News. Her husband, John Harris Webb, was an employee of the Railroad for more than 30 years.

Permission to publish this book by the Cumberland County Genealogical Society was given by her daughter Miss Helen Webb, currently of Westchester, Nova Scotia. A Surname Index is included with a cross reference to the page on which the name appears.

This manuscript was written in April 1970.
Typed and proofread by members of CCGS

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